Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Opinion of the Tea Party

Here is my latest column on Pro-Life Unity, regarding the Tea Party movement. Please read and comment! :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What exactly does he mean?

I watched part of an interview that Fox News reporter Major Garrett just had with President Obama. Here is an excerpt:

Major Garrett: Will you sign legislation on health care that includes the Stupak language?

Barack Obama: You know, I think there is a balance to be achieved that is consistent with the Hyde Amendment…I believe in the basic idea that federal dollars shouldn’t pay for abortions, but I also think that we shouldn’t restrict women’s choices.

Garrett: Yes or no – does the Stupak language strike that balance?

Obama: Not yet.

Okay, Mr. President. The Stupak Amendment is already a compromise. It allows abortion in the cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. What exactly does he mean by achieving a "balance" between the two sides? He has repeatedly said that he does not believe in the government paying for abortion...but yet, he wants to satiate the pro-choice crowd and repeats the mantra of a "woman's choice." He can't have it both ways! How can we not fund abortions, but at the same time, not restrict a woman's choice to choose an abortion? It's absolutely incompatible.

I wish that our president would just come out and call a "woman's right to choose" what it is. Mr. President, when you use that phrase, what you are essentially saying is, "I believe that a woman has a right to kill her baby if she finds it convenient and moral in her eyes." If one puts it in those terms, it comes to light how indefensible the pro-choice stance is. Also, if you watch the interview on, notice how Mr. Obama is slightly hesitant when talking about abortion. He always does this! Is it perhaps because in the deepest part of his heart, he knows that abortion is wrong, that he is supporting murder? I always try to remember the president when I pray in the morning, that he and his administration will be converted. I know it is a very tall order, but with God, nothing is impossible!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

GOP Alternative to PelosiCare

Please watch this live streaming video, going until midnight Eastern/11 p.m. Central tonight!
Compliments of the GOP.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pro-Life Unity

I have just accepted my second writing engagement in less than a month! I had no idea that God would use love and natural talent for writing in such great ways! I am now a weekly columnist for Pro-Life Unity, based also in the northern Virginia/Washington, DC area. My picture and biography are posted on the website: I will be writing a minimum of once a week (my posts will come out on Thursdays), so please check out the website and the other columnists. The main objective of Pro-Life Unity, in a nutshell, is to unite all pro-lifers in the common cause of ending abortion and promoting respect for human life.

I am hoping that Pro-Life Unity and The Conservative Comeback can have some kind of partnership, since both organizations focus on uniting people of faith and common mind. (If you didn't already, please visit my personal blog, to read about my writing engagement with the CC.) Conservatives and pro-lifers have many (if not most) things in common, and there has to be a way to yoke them together, so to speak. I believe that focusing on the pro-life issue is a great place to start, because, after all: isn't LIFE the first right our Founding Fathers proclaimed?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A New Endeavor

Please visit my personal blog to read about my first political position:

If you are a conservative and believe in traditional American values, please join me!


Friday, October 2, 2009

My personal experience - 40 Days for Life

It is one thing to say you are pro-life...but it's another thing to actually ACT like you are pro-life.

The second thing is definitely harder, and although I am passionately pro-life, there are times when I really don't feel like putting my faith into action. I am usually a little active, such as writing pro-life letters to the editor, keeping myself updated on pro-life news, etc. What I mean by putting one's faith into action is actually putting oneself into the community and onto the front lines.

40 Days for Life began last Wednesdays, September 23rd in over 200 cities in 45 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and the country of Denmark...that's a total of 212 different locations, compared to 177 last fall. Last year, I wanted to participate but was unable to make it to the actual location, since I was at school in Baltimore and did not have a way to get to the vigil site. My contribution was to write a pro-life post on my other blog ( and to give up all desserts (oh chocolate...) for the 40 days. It definitely was spiritually fulfilling.

This year, I am back in Texas with my own car, so transportation is not an issue. So on Wednesday, September 30th, I headed to the Dallas 40 Days for Life vigil site. I got off work at 7 p.m. and headed there immediately after. In an effort to learn how to read directions, I didn't use my OnStar and instead used directions printed off from Google Maps. I made it to downtown Dallas fine (coming south on Central Expressway to Woodall Rogers), but when I was trying to get onto Harry Hines Blvd., I missed the street and accidentally got on the Dallas Tollway! I had no choice but to follow it until I found an exit, and then I wasn't sure how to turn around. At that point, I could've said, "Well, I tried but I'm lost now. I'm just gonna go home. The effort was good enough."

I finally connected to OnStar and after again missing the correct street, I finally made it to Robinson's Abortion Clinic. It was pretty much dark outside and about 7:40 p.m. I saw a small group of people standing on the sidewalk, holding signs, and it took me a couple minutes to turn around and figure out where to park.

The people were from St. Anthony's parish in Wylie, and they were very kind and welcoming. I signed in and signed the Pledge of Peace. Of course, Robinson's was closed and no abortions were happening at almost 8 p.m., but it is important to have round-the-clock vigil at these places of death and morbidity. I began praying a rosary and could feel how powerful our prayers there were. A few more people arrived, and we all prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary. Then we prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the "emergency prayer" that I think Fr. Corapi recommends in emergencies (10 Memorares, with the last one offered in thanksgiving I think).

I was there for a little over an hour, and I'm so glad I went. That first visit was like the ice breaker for me. I soon decided that I would visit again today (Friday evening). It's kind of like the Nike saying: "Just Do It." Once you step out, it's harder to recede into your shell.

This weekend will be very pro-life here in north Texas. In addition to 40 Days, my family and I are participating in the Hike for Life in McKinney on Saturday morning. (Anyone like to donate? Go to my personal webpage to make a monetary donation:

Then on Sunday, which is Respect Life Sunday in the Catholic Church, the Life Chain will be taking place all across the country. Life Chain is basically where pro-lifers of all faiths gather at a prominent place (road side, intersection) and hold peaceful pro-life signs and pray. Visit for more info.

My advice for all who haven't participated in 40 Days for Life (or any frontline pro-life work): just get out there and do it! It may be helpful to promise with a friend or family member something like, "We're going to pray at the abortion clinic for one hour a week" or whatever you feel called to do. Then fulfill that promise and I bet that you will go beyond that!

Let's pray and work to end abortion!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Interesting Observation

I was just doing some research on Planned Parenthood, in preparation for the upcoming 40 Days for Life in the fall, and I found this on a north Texas PP's website:

"We do not provide childcare services. We request that you please make childcare arrangements.

Only infants and toddlers in a car seat or stroller are allowed into the exam room. We request that you please make arrangements for childcare for any other children."

Just another way that shows how anti-child Planned Parenthood really is!! I've never heard of any doctor's office asking parents to not bring their own children with them...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Response to a Pro-Choice Mindset

This past week I became involved in a Facebook discussion over a link I posted. For your reference, here it is:

The title is "Obama Administration Call 'With Both Sides' to Reduce Abortions Compared to Hitler's Peace Conference."

Basically, as pro-lifers know, President Obama's claim to wanting to "reduce abortions" is merely rhetoric. Actions speak louder than words, and what he has done as president so far has definitely confirmed a pro-abortion mindset.

My first question for Obama is: why merely reduce abortion? Can't we work to eliminate it altogether? He is using the government to put an end to other crises, namely the economic downfall. Why can't he put that much effort into putting an end to abortion? Another thing that puzzles me is the fact that, while Obama says he wants to reduce abortions, as president he has overturned the Mexico City policy, appointed rabidly pro-abortion representatives in his administration, and has allowed tax-payer funded embryonic stem cell research (plus other things before he became president). This is why I said "actions speak louder than words," much louder than a "peace-making" phone call.

My discussion opponent mentioned that she personally feels that birth control doesn't promote promiscuity...but what do the facts say? (And from some research I've done, the book she mentioned - "Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American History - probably isn't the most reliable source!) I agree that extramarital sex is not just a recent phenomenon. It's also totally true that before the 20th century, it was taboo to casually talk about it....but that's how it should be! Unfortunately, sex is not seen anymore as something that should remain within marriage, and thus is has been lowered to merely a pleasure that can be separated from its primary purpose: pro-creation. No one can deny that premarital/extramarital sex is promoted by what is on TV, in books, magazines, movies, advertisements, etc. It is not held as something sacred anymore.

Here is where contraception comes in: you can have sex and not worry about the consequences of it! Thus, people can get contraceptives and not be responsible for their actions. And therefore, it would make sense that extramarital sex is more rampant these days because people don't have to be as responsible for their actions, making promiscuity more common.

Do you know how and why the promotion of birth control came about? The founder of the Birth Control League (which later became Planned Parenthood), Margaret Sanger, began the movement, and she was a eugenicist. She believed in weeding out the "less desirable" humans, who were much of the time among the poor and the minorities. As quoted from "A Plan for Peace," Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 106, she advocated "A stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." This shows her racist and eugenic mindset, which many people don't know about or choose to ignore.

Another issue with the Pill, in particular, is that it doesn't just prevent fertilization from happening: it can act as an abortifacient if the egg becomes fertilized. In other words, the Pill causes abortions. In addition, if you're not open to even conceiving a child, then what happens if you accidentally get pregnant? If you have this kind of mentality, it makes it that much easier to have an abortion to "get rid of the problem." Even within marriage, becoming pregnant is often seen as a negative side effect of sex, rather than the natural outcome; and so couples turn to birth control. Contraceptives rip marriages apart. We can see this in the rising rate of divorce as contraceptives have become more and more promoted in our culture.

To address her qualms about the government promoting abstinence-only education: First of all, no one can deny the fact that abstinence works! It's the only 100% guaranteed way that you won't get pregnant or get STD's. Using birth control and condoms still put you at risk. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 54% of women who have abortions have been using a contraceptive, as compared to the 8% of women who have abortions but have NEVER used a contraceptive.

The problem with "comprehensive" sex ed is that abstinence is downplayed and contraceptives are promoted. No one can deny that contraceptives are widely promoted in schools, the media, by doctors, etc. Not knowing how to use them shouldn't be the issue. The issue is the anti-life mentality and the moral degeneration of our culture, and that will not be solved by handing out the Pill. It will only be solved by restoring the Christian heritage of America and instilling better morals in our children, which includes abstinence-only education. Natural Family Planning is an excellent method for married couples who want to work within God's will for their family size. It strengthens marriages, is 99% effective, and there is a lower divorce rate among couples who use it. Visit for more information.

In conclusion, if people had more self-control and would remain abstinent when they don't want to become pregnant, there would be less abortions. Birth control makes people feel like they have control over their own lives, when really God is in control, and He is the one that gives and takes away...including life. He's the one who decides when to give life and when to take it away. It's none of our business to mess around with that. All we have to do is work within His Will. If you don't have a Christian faith, this will probably be hard or impossible to grasp. But I can assure you that if more people had this mindset, the world and our country would be a much, much better place.

Speaking of new life, Happy Easter! He is Risen, the One who gives us life! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pro-Life Verses from St. Matthew

During my Lenten Bible readings, I've run across several verses in the Gospels that I feel can be applied to the pro-life outlook and work.

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles. When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; and you will be hated by all for my name's sake." ~Matthew 10:16-22 (RSV, Catholic Edition)

The bolded words are the ones which stood out to me the most. To put this in context, this is right after Jesus chose His 12 Apostles and is sending them out to "the lost sheep of Israel" (Matt. 10:6). He is instructing them to preach His Word and heal people. I believe we can apply Jesus' instruction here to our own lives today.

We are in "the midst of wolves." Just take a look around at the American (and the world's) culture: there are attacks on life, faith, and family all around us. The pro-abortion crowd is trying desparately to stop our pro-life efforts.

Christians have been persecuted and put to death ever since Jesus founded the Catholic Church. Today it's no different, especially as we preach the Gospel of Life. For example, an African-American preacher named Walter Hoye was put in prison on March 20th for peacefully proclaiming this message, and he faces 2 years in jail. This past August, 18 pro-lifers from Maryland's Defend Life group were jailed. Being pro-life is not an easy task, and we must do our research, but when we're talking to someone about our views, we need to just trust the Holy Spirit that He will give us the right words to say.

Quite literally these days, fathers are condemning their children to death...even though they're not physically performing the abortion, they're standing by and letting their girlfriends/wives get abortions, or even coercing them into having an abortion! Fathers need to be true men and stand up for their partners and unborn children. The sentence about children putting their parents to death reminds me of euthanasia, or assisted-suicide. The elderly are being put to death just because they are a "burden" and are "worth nothing," when their children should be the ones making sure they're taken care of in a Christian way.

Finally, we all know what it's like to be hated for Jesus' sake. We've all had a friend or relative, or maybe even a perfect stranger, tell us why they think we're wrong for trying to end abortion, or that abortion is a constitutional right, or that we don't understand women's needs. We know that there are people out there working against us, such as the Feminist Majority Network, who is spreading lies about Crisis Prenancy Centers and trying to shut them down. (If you want to work against this effort, contact Students for Life of America!!

It's very encouraging to read verses such as the one from Matthew, because even though being persecuted isn't fun, we know we're doing the right thing because of that.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

40 Days for Life - Day 19 Devotional

We are nearly at the half-way point of Lent and 40 Days for Life! If you haven't been keeping up with the devotional's, here is today's in a PDF format:

Enter text here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama's Latest Attack on Human Life

As I don't have time to write my own dissertation on President Obama's latest, permitting tax-payer-funded embryonic stem cell research, I will recommend some reading on this subject. In short, adult stem cell therapies have been 100% more effective than embryonic stem cells, with treatments for numerous diseases. This is a very hopeful thing, as my younger brother has Type 1 diabetes - which is presently incurable - and adult stem cells are a good hope for him and other people with diabetes.

Life Site News:


Information about stem cell research:

My new favorite pro-life website, the Life Issues Institute:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pelosi and the Pope

**This post refers to an event that happened a couple weeks ago, so my apologies for the late notice!**

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, has always been a controversial Catholic subject. She professes to be a Catholic believer, but is an ardent support of abortion and contraception. Last month, she stated that promoting contraception (i.e. preventing children from being conceived and/or born) would stimulate the economy...a completely bogus idea!

Now, just a couple weeks ago, Mrs. Pelosi had a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI. I first read about this meeting on the Fox News Channel website (copy and paste into your browser):

I also read an article in "The Hill" newspaper, which I picked up for free in D.C. on my way to the MARC train. (For reference, it was in Volume 16, No. 19 on Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009). The article was entitled, "Concerns, Hopes as Pelosi Meets Pope at the Vatican" by Mike Soraghan. Depending on how Mrs. Pelosi portrayed it afterwards, this meeting could confirm the idea in American Catholics that it's okay to be "pro-choice" and Catholic. As quoted in the article: "Donohue, president of the Catholic League and a strong public voice for adherence to Catholic doctrine, worries that Pelosi will exploit the visit to downplay Church teachings that abortion is 'intrinsically evil.' "

However, Jon O'Brien, president of "Catholics for a Choice," --a choice for what?? --was also quoted in the article, and it is quite disturbing to see the error of his ways. Mr. Soraghan writes:

"...he [Mr. O'Brien] sees Wednesday's visit between the Speaker and Pope Benedict as a chance to highlight that you can be pro-choice and Catholic..."

Oh, that is SUCH a misleading and erroneous statement! To be pro-choice, which really means pro-abortion, goes completely against the basis of our Christian faith! I do not understand why he would stand with the opinion of Nancy Pelosi, a lay person, over the teaching of the Catholic Church, which Pope Benedict faithfully proclaims. I also don't understand how Mrs. Pelosi lives with herslf, knowing she is going directly against Church doctrine AND the scientific fact that life begins at conception. She must do quite a lot of justifying in her head, and I pity her and the people she misleads.

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Common Ground with Obama

Here is a short interview with Rep. Chris Smith. The topic is "common ground" on the issue of abortion. Read and see for yourself...but basically if President Obama wants to start having common ground with pro-lifers, then he needs to stop using our tax money to paying for abortions. If he doesn't, there is no way he is "reducing abortions" as he claims.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

40 Days for Life - Spring 2009

Today is the fifth day of the fourth nationally-coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign. The first one was in the fall of 2007, followed by last spring and this fall. It focuses on prayer and fasting, constant vigil outside abortion facilities, and grassroots outreach in the communities.

If you are blessed enough to have a constant prayer vigil in your community, join in at least a few times! If not, the least we can do is read the daily e-mail from the 40 Days for Life coordinator (this year Shawn Carney) and pray. This is a great thing to add to your Lenten devotions.

Here is today's devotional:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Reflection of Today's Culture

One of America's most open and obvious pro-life families is the Duggar family from Arkansas. Most people who follow the news or watch cable TV on TLC or DiscoveryHealth have probably heard of them or even seen their shows. Their current show, "17 Kids & Counting" is my favorite TV series. It is so inspiring and refreshing to see a sincere, beautiful, conservative Christian family proclaiming the Gospel of Life so openly by just simply living their lives.

However, many people do not think it's fact, they think it's almost sickening. Today is not the first timeI've heard this sentiment. I've read vehement articles online and seen a bitter YouTube video of people expressing their views about this family. They complain that birthing 18 children is disgusting and should not be happening; they bemoan the fact that the children are sheltered and don't date until they're ready for marriage; and they think that it's weird the girls wear only skirts.

The main topic I want to address is the number of children issue. This is partly why I have a problem with the label of "pro-choice": with pro-choicers, the "choice" which is emphasized is abortion (along with contraception). If you are truly "pro-choice," then why can't you be okay with ANY decision a woman makes? If pro-choicers think a woman has a right to have abortion-on-demand and no one is allowed to judge her for her choices, then why can't mothers birth 18 (or more) children without pro-choicers complaining and judging her? I don't understand why having an abortion is only between a woman and her doctor, but then birthing dozens of children is the whole world's business.

Every family has its ups and downs, but the Duggar family is mostly positive: the children are not abused, they live frugally but are well-cared for, they are loved immensely by their parents and siblings, they are well-mannered and mature, and they are happy, healthy, and kind. What else could one want from a family?

But yet, liberally-minded people complain. Granted, they may think their comments are well-grounded, but my opinion is that many of them say what they do out of bitterness and jealousy because they know, deep down, that the Duggar's have something they don't possess, whether it is a wholesome family life, siblings, loving parents who are still together, or a genuine faith in Jesus. These words from the American public show what a self-centered and anti-life culture we have become. We live for our own pleasures, and if something (or someone) isn't convenient, then we just throw it away and move on with our lives. If we don't "get anything out of it," then it's not worth it.

However, I must go against the mainstream and commend the Duggar family for their witness to life and faith. It's not easy living their kind of life, but they are happy living it because they know it's the right thing to do. They have definitely inspired me and given me hope.

One more thought about the pro-choice rhetoric. If individuals are going to call themselves "pro-choice," then they should act like it. If they want to live up to their name, then they should be happy for Jim Bob and Michelle because of what they have chosen.

However, there is a catch to this: the pro-choice crowd could turn around and say, "Well, then why can't YOU say, 'If a woman feels like she should have an abortion, then she should have it'?"

Here's my answer: I'm not all about choosing whatever I want (although, since I'm not perfect, I am selfish sometimes). I'm all about choosing what God wants, and He wants us to CHOOSE LIFE. I'm trying to show I'm serious about my label, which is PRO-LIFE.

To learn more about the Duggar family, visit

Monday, February 16, 2009

12-Year-Old Pro-Life Speech

I just watched this video of a 12-year-old girl giving a five minute speech about abortion. She is so well articulated and passionate! We need more youth like her speaking out.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

An Empty Red Envelope

Today I received a Facebook message from Peter Shinn of, about a "quiet but clear" message we can all send to President Obama:

"From John and Bill

Dear Friends:

This afternoon a friend was praying about a number of things, and her mind began to wander. She was deeply distressed at the symbolic actions that President Obama took as he began his presidency. Namely, that he signed executive orders releasing funds to pay for abortions,permission to fund human stem cell research, and federal funding for contraception. She has been involved in the pro-life movement for nearly 20 years, and it pained her heart and so many of us to see a man and a political party committed to the shedding of innocent blood. This man, and this party lead our country, but they do not represent me or the 54% of Americans who believe that abortion is wrong and should no longer be legal.

As she was praying, she believed that God gave her an interesting idea. Out in the garage she had a box of red envelopes. Like the powerful image of the red LIFE tape, an empty red envelope will send a message to Barack Obama that there is moral outrage in this country over this issue. It will be quiet, but clear.

Here is what we all could do:

Get a red envelope. (You can buy them at Kinkos, or at party supply stores.)

On the front, address it to:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington , D.C. 20500

On the back, write the following message.

This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world.

Responsibility begins with conception.

Put it in the mail, and send it. Then forward this email to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died before having a a chance to live. Maybe it will change the heart of the president."

Please spend a few dollars and a few moments to do this simple but potential powerful act...we all have to work together!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Real Help for Suffering Women - Intro

Yesterday, I was riding the D.C. Metro as usual, making my way to Union Station. The train I was on had stopped to drop off/pick up more passengers, and the train going the opposite way was also stopped. I glanced through the windows and saw a black and white poster in the other train. There was the picture of a lady and the title of the poster was:

"You don't have to suffer alone."

Hmm, wouldn't that be amazing if it were an advertisement offering help for women suffering after an abortion? I thought. But it probably isn't. I couldn't see the other words on the poster, and I began zoning out, waiting for the train to move.

Right before we pulled out from the stop, the people standing in front of the poster moved so that I could see the rest of the advertisement. It had the phone number: 1-888-456-HOPE and, in fact, it WAS an advertisement for post-abortive healing! I couldn't believe it, because I'd never seen anything like that in the Metro before.

I just Googled the phone number, and it turns out it is sponsored by Project Rachel. The website is:

Look for a longer post about the negative effects that abortion has on women, but that there IS hope and healing. Pro-lifers are waiting with loving arms to help these women!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I received an important e-mail from Keith Mason today, as follows:

Contact: Delegate Don Dwyer 410-841-3298 Office / 410-419-3870 Cell


The Personhood movement is catching fire as Maryland joins 15 other states across the country working toward the legal recognition of all human beings as "persons" under the law.
Delegate Don H. Dwyer, Jr. will introduce a Personhood Amendment this coming week in the Maryland General Assembly. The amendment recognizes all human beings from their biological beginning as "persons."

"The personhood movement marks a monumental shift in pro-life legislation of the past 20 years," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. "It strikes at the root of the culture of death and discusses life issues in their true context - as the foundation of all civil rights issues."
"Here we are some 36 years after Roe v. Wade, (the Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion), and we now have 3-D and 4-D color sonograms that give us a real-time look into the womb," Del. Dwyer said. "There is no doubt today that there is a human being in the womb and that human being should be considered a person."

Colorado became the first state last fall to allow its citizens to vote on a Personhood Amendment ballot initiative. "I believe that as we approach nearly 40 years since the court ruled on Roe v. Wade, we must once again open the public debate to review when each human being's life begins," Del. Dwyer said.

"There is no doubt today the human being in the womb is a person. In the end, my goal would be that not only Maryland, but every state, would grant the protections of the state and U.S. Constitutions to all persons, born and preborn."

Personhood USA PO Box 486 Arvada Co 80001

If you are a pro-lifer in Maryland, please take action in some way! I will post more information as I get it. You can access Keith Mason's Personhood website at:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

March for naught? I think not...

On Thursday, January 22, 2009, an estimated 200,000-300,000 people gathered on the Mall in Washington, D.C. These people were of all ages, although the majority were teens and young adults. Each person, filled with an unquenchable fire within them, from all over the United States, was there in a united purpose: to be witnesses to the truth that every human life is sacred and that the unborn deserve all the dignity and legal protection that are given to born people. In joy and peace, the people prayed, sang, and held signs as they marched as one to the Supreme Court. There, the people prayed and sang some more, and some remained completely silent, in solidarity with the unborn. Post-abortive women also gave their testimonies, that abortion not only takes the life of a human child but also has hurt millions of women, emotionally and physically. These women have found the courage to speak out and find healing in Jesus Christ, and now they desperately beg other women to spare themselves of the huge mistake they made.

This fervor in the nation's capitol did not last just one day. During the week, from Inauguration Day until Saturday, there were numerous other pro-life activities, including training sessions, other prayer vigils, the first annual Life Prizes awards, and the Students for Life of America conference. After the events ended, all the pilgrims returned to their homes, renewed in spirit and reinvigorated to keep fighting against the evil of abortion, right down to the day it ends.

However, some pro-lifers apparently believe that the March for Life is a vain attempt to end abortion; that it is an activity that does not make a difference. After Googling "march for life" yesterday, this article was one of the first hits: It is a very short article in the Dallas Morning News, linking to a blog kept by Sean Michael Winters. Please read these for yourself and then continue....

*Disclaimer* I have never heard of this man before, neither have I heard of his blog, so I cannot verify that this a traditional or trustworthy Catholic site.

I beg to differ from Mr. Winters' views. While it is true that the many thousands of people who traveled to D.C. could have been back at their homes and churches, sidewalk counseling and volunteering for Crisis Pregnancy Centers, there is also a time and a place for activities such as the March. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Pro-lifers must embrace and support every aspect of the movement. We must have unity within our movement. Otherwise, we will rend ourselves apart and our work will be fruitless.

I disagree with the author because of his attempt to criticize what other pro-lifers are doing. But I disagree with him even more because of his claim that the March produces no results. First of all, as with any pro-life activity, we cannot assume that because we don't see the direct results, we are not accomplishing anything. Jesus told told us that "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." (John 20:29b) While Jesus was talking about Christians who believe in Him but have never seen Him with their eyes (meaning us!), we can apply this principle to hoping and believing that our efforts, with God's grace and power, are producing positive results. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

Secondly, he makes many assumptions in his post, some which are simply not true. He claims that there were "angry chants outside the Supreme Court." I have received the privilege and blessing of participating in the March for Life, and I can say from personal experience that the whole experience was peaceful. No one was shouting angrily outside the Supreme Court, and there was no bitterness. My friends and I knelt on the damp ground almost the entire time, praying and singing hymns and prayers. Others stood with red tape over their mouths, in silent solidarity with those who have no voice. The policemen in front of the Court stood like statues and just watched us witness.

We understand that the March itself cannot change the abortion policy in America. But I believe it is very important to physically show the authority in Washington (and the world) our dedication, and to personally plead with them to be pro-life. We do not march to condemn women who have had abortions or who are contemplating abortion. We want to show the world that there are thousands upon thousands of pro-lifers who want to help women in crisis pregnancies.

It is also very important for pro-lifers to gather together, to strengthen one another, and to pray together. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) Just think of all the prayers that were offered up to God at the March for Life! It is simply incredible and uplifting. I definitely need to periodically attend events where I can be surrounded with passionate and like-minded people, especially other young adults. "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (Psalm 27:17...and by the way, I have never thought of so many Bible passages at the same time like this! It is not me, but the Holy Spirit!) It gives us hope, and we carry that hope back with us to our towns and cities to keep doing the work of Christ. Every act, no matter how small, can be great if done with much love.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blogging for Life!

Dear readers,

Welcome to my new blog, Choosing Life! You may be a regular follower of my personal blog, Ramblings and Reflections, in which I frequently post on pro-life issues. However, after hearing Jill Stanek, a renowned pro-life blogger who gave a talk about this subject at the Students for Life of America (SFLA) conference last Saturday, I was inspired to create a blog solely for that purpose: spreading the Gospel of Life! At the conference, we were encouraged to find our own niche in the pro-life movement, and since I love writing, I think that one of my niches is blogging.

Yesterday, I asked God to give me a good name for this blog, and "Choosing Life" came almost immediately to my mind. The basis for this title is founded in Deuteronomy 30:19 (hence the URL).

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live..." (emphasis added).

That is my most favorite pro-life verse in the Bible, when God explicitly tells His chose people to choose life over death...and so, I am choosing life by keeping this blog.

I hope that many of you are new readers of my writing, and so I will tell a bit about myself. I was raised in Texas, in a strong Catholic home. I began violin lessons at the age of three, and my mom, Diane, homeschooled me from preschool through 12th grade. I also became the oldest sibling of four, having two brothers (Zachary and Jordan) and one sister (Abby). There is a ten-year gap between myself and Abby, but I remember being so delighted to finally have a sister! (And I still am delighted, by the way...and that doesn't mean that I don't love my two brothers!) After graduating from high school, I went on to pursue a Bachelor of Music in violin performance at the Peabody Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. I never would have dreamed that coming to Peabody would be the place I would come to actively embrace the pro-life message. Being raised Catholic, my family and I were always pro-life, and my parents even became teachers of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and attended Couple-to-Couple League (CCL) conferences, of course bringing us kids. However, I was never challenged on my views and I never deeply studied what abortion actually was. Texas was a very comfortable place in which to grow up, as we lived in a relatively conservative area.

However, the music and arts world is extremely liberal, and I soon had to begin defending my beliefs, which meant really delving into what my beliefs actually meant. I had studied certain areas, such as apologetics and morals, but I was not very educated on pro-life issues. I knew that abortion and contraception were wrong, but I didn't know the details. That all changed the summer between freshman and sophomore year, when I wrote a controversial blog post on my old Xanga account. Several friends and acquaintances, who were liberal, were very "offended" and replied with passionate and some vehement comments. That was when the fire was lit within me. I wanted to put my faith into action because of what they were saying! And so I did.

Thanks to Facebook, I remember the precise day I began my action. On July 9th, 2006, I left a post on the Johns Hopkins pro-life Facebook group, asking if anyone was interested in getting a REAL group started on campus. One week later, a JHU alum informed me that there used to be a pro-life group, called Voice for Life, of which he used to be president. He offered his assistance in restarting the group, and so he met with me and two other girls at the beginning of my sophomore year. That year, I was secretary, and the following year I became president. It was an extremely small group, and at times it was discouraging, but we sponsored activities such as a Memorial of the Innocents, diaper drives, and leafleting the campus. I know that we accomplished many good works.

I also poured my energy into other pro-life outlets. I began writing pro-life blog posts and notes on Facebook. I attended my first pro-life conference. I prayed in front of abortion facilities. I attended the March for Life. I hung pro-life stickers and signs in my room. I participated in a Face the Truth tour. I voted for life. I engaged pro-abortion friends in discussions, which is probably one of the hardest pro-life things to do. I've researched what exactly an abortion is (and I mean EXACTLY). I wear a Precious Feet pin every day, and I've gotten a few people asking me what they are, which is a great way to witness. Most importantly, I pray for the end to abortion each day.

I am not describing my activities in order to brag about everything I've done. In reality, I have not done that much compared to the majority of pro-life activists. I look at the pro-life heroes of our day and think, "Wow, that is so inspiring, and I want to be like them!" I am describing these things to illustrate that to be truly pro-life is to take some type of action. Any student or any person can do exactly what I've done, and more.

So that brings me to the point of this blog. First, I offer up this blog for the glory of God and to bring the Gospel of Life to everyone who reads this. I also write in here so that pro-lifers may be inspired and moved to do more to protect the unborn and their mothers; that people on the fence may be swayed in the right direction; and that the decidedly pro-abortion crowd will have seeds planted within them, that they may come to embrace life in all stages one day.

I heartily welcome comments from everyone, no matter what your view. I would like to promote healthy discussion and debate, so please leave your thoughts! I have made it so that anyone can comment, even if you don't have blogger or Gmail. (However, I would appreciate it if you left your name and would use Anonymous sparingly.)

My goal is to post as frequently as possible. Given my intense internship schedule, I probably won't post every day, but at least several times per week. If you have any topic you would like me to specifically address, please tell me. I would also like to feature guest writers, so if you have something you want to share on my blog as a post, please e-mail me at and I will publish it and give you full credit!

God Bless!

Yours for life,