Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pro-Life Unity

I have just accepted my second writing engagement in less than a month! I had no idea that God would use love and natural talent for writing in such great ways! I am now a weekly columnist for Pro-Life Unity, based also in the northern Virginia/Washington, DC area. My picture and biography are posted on the website: I will be writing a minimum of once a week (my posts will come out on Thursdays), so please check out the website and the other columnists. The main objective of Pro-Life Unity, in a nutshell, is to unite all pro-lifers in the common cause of ending abortion and promoting respect for human life.

I am hoping that Pro-Life Unity and The Conservative Comeback can have some kind of partnership, since both organizations focus on uniting people of faith and common mind. (If you didn't already, please visit my personal blog, to read about my writing engagement with the CC.) Conservatives and pro-lifers have many (if not most) things in common, and there has to be a way to yoke them together, so to speak. I believe that focusing on the pro-life issue is a great place to start, because, after all: isn't LIFE the first right our Founding Fathers proclaimed?


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